Sunday, July 21, 2019

Episode 190721

Episode 190721 - Uni-Mind Demigod N.P.C. Group Think

Tonight on Ancient Humans, we're going to discuss the ancient mind control program that has evolved into present form as socialist media.  How does this all resemble Science Fiction?  Well Science Fiction has become science fact.  There is indeed a battle for your mind.  The digitizing of media in order to disseminate it on the Internet is a double edged sword.  They can switch you off as easily as they switched you on.

The worst part of the Uni-mind Demigod NPC Group Think that has infected the political left, is it is perfectly okay with everything anti-human.  They hate human beings so much, they are so misanthropic that they want to replace human beings with some sort of trans-human nightmare.  They are starting with controlling information.  The digital book burning is there to replace human knowledge with robotic artificial intelligence....artificial intelligence being a term that truly means fake news.

People are so mind controlled in the United States of America, today, that they believe fake news sometimes faster than it can be disseminated.  They are in defense of illegal acts while legal acts are now deemed reprehensible.  There is no longer a respect for law in the mainstream media.  Every aspect of communications is effected by this.  Social media has become socialist media.  Cinema production companies are totally manipulated to produce films that are based on the current anti-American, pro-Globalist agendas.  

The American flag has been deemed a hate symbol by hypocrites who want to manipulate and change America to fit their own agendas which are entirely misanthropic and have only one slaughter mankind, reduce the population, and take control of everyone.

This insipid mind control program is older than history.  The point of tonight's show is to examine the origins of this machine programming, how it began as a thought somewhere in the ancient past, in the mind of someone seeking to radicalize and change the world by taking it over.  I believe, it started as an economic program.  All of the most successful civilizations in history had economic programs, solutions for problems that arise when trying to unite and organize a large group of humans for some realistic effort.

The concept of a civil society is based on that culture's ability to organize and align their goals.  We have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, exploding with extropy when they are conceived and within a few hundred years, and then consumed by their own.   Is it possible that ancient cultures of which we have no historical information, evolved and collapsed like more recent ones?

How do we identify a misanthropic machine intelligence?  First, we should accept that all computer programs are created by humans alone.  Computers cannot properly program themselves, yet.  Therefore, everything that is right or wrong with a computer is based on the efforts of the programmer.  Therefore, mind control programming can be looked at as similar to computer programming.  The brain is the most advanced computer.  So advanced, that nobody is entirely sure how to replicate it.  The mainstream technologists of today (circa 2019) want you to believe that they are close to combining human and computer intelligence.  Right now, based on the Science Fiction and scientific facts, it is difficult for me to see that what will be produced will be anything but fallible and not a true sentient intelligence.

The most prominent instrument used by this Human-hater mechanical force is information.  It may have seemed silly at some point to you, but the information war is and was going on since the beginning of recorded history.  The very writing of history, committing information into memory, can be both good and bad.  It can simultaneously inform and warn people in the future but it can also willingly or unwittingly omit important information which contributes to more filtering of knowledge.  This selective recalling of events is contemporaneously referred to as 'history written by the winners.'  This statement might be partially true.  Not everyone who lost a war was erased from history.  The fact is, someone had to tell the tales of these brave warriors.  Who would want their legacy to be of defeating weaklings?  Some truth has to have survived the culling of knowledge.

The information war hasn't changed much since ancient times but it has grown more brazen and faster at its delivery methods.  Knowledge filtration has taken a dramatic increase by magnitudes as fake news and mass social media censorship is taking place right now, online.

Information that challenges thought and doesn't exist for pure entertainment should invoke some kind of reaction.   You should be disturbed by what you already know exists in an imperfect world.  Because information is inconvenient or negative doesn't mean it should be suppressed.  What's happening right now is that anything inconvenient to the establishment rule is being removed from public view.  The very search engines and mass media content providers that we demand are working to squelch the actual information that we want.  There is a wag-the-dog situation occurring here that is very dangerous.  I am seeing people on the center or political right, starting to accept that Trump will lose the election in 2020 based on the very heavy freedom of speech violations occurring on socialist websites.  Are they folding under the technocracy's endless power?  It is hard to believe that such prominent information warriors would give up now when we should be making our voices louder and louder for freedom.

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