Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 2019 Schedule

July 14th, 2019

Socialist Media Blackout

Episode 190714 - The Revolution Has Come

In lieu of the recent cyber attacks and total socialist media blackout, Ancient Humans with Gavin McCall, the unpopular radio show on Revolution Radio, Studio A...has lost it's main website, now defunct, at and we've retreated to our original blog site:

Tonight, we'll be talking about the Freedom of Speech, the Right to Bear Arms, and other rights being infringed upon by fellow US Citizens in this country.  Also, the threat of immigrants illegally entering the country and manipulating Democratic polls.

July 21st, 2019

Ancient Sky Net Artificial Intelligence Apocalypse Machine

Episode 190721 - Uni-Mind Demigod N.P.C. Group Think

It sounds like Science Fiction but it is science fact.  Fake news is artificial intelligence.  The search engines and their data crawling algorithms are attempting to copy human consciousness and use a reflection of us against us.  This, of course, will never work, because the men and women programming these machines don't even know what consciousness is.  Science shows us that the human brain is far more complex as far as the concept as consciousness and storing memory is concerned.  The philosophy behind the application of these concepts is thousands of years old and rooted in thought.

July 28th, 2019

Slaying The Techno-Beast

Episode 190728 - Mass Digital Exodus from Socialist Media

People are leaving the digital realm, the virtual reality of social media in droves....where are they going?  Into the light of the day?  Our co-producer has abandoned the mainstream sites after being banned and locked out of their accounts, to  After recent cyber attacks, the removal of thousands of NNMCP reports from YouTube, we have also retreated to to re-assemble on a stable platform that doesn't censor us.  You can find the SkunkHunt Edition of the NNMCP at

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